October – What’s New?

Hi friends, can you believe we're in October already? 2020 sure has been a crazy and unique year, one that has allowed us to stop and pause, one that has allowed us to reflect, and one that has allowed us to evaluate what is really important to us. We've also been burdened with lots of stress and worry, and I'm conscious of spreading the message of self-care and self-love, especially in times of worry.

Please do take advantage of Perfect Health and our friends to learn about your health and to make it your priority!

Guest Post by Lusana Charles

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

I love that mind picture, it really does sum up the road to recovery for all of you who are trauma affected, who are motivated to succeed but can't quite get there.

Trauma is really an overload of the brain and nervous system, an overload of past memories and events filling the active, current part of the brain.

The key to reaching peak performance in your life, being happier, healthier and usually doubling your income is to rewrite and rewire the overload, get the emotional part of the brain to recognise, refile the trauma and move on.

I have done this for myself and almost 2000 others, using a simple 3 step system, you too can 'eat that elephant', you too can perform at your peak and be the person you know is there under all that shizzle.

Would you like a 2 minute video to get you started? Click the elephant image for more...

Elaine Godley & Guests

Elaine Godley & Guests Podcast

6/10 Deborah Cundy
"My remarkable health transformation"
13/10 Rob Chapman
"Spiritual coach, hypnotist and author"
20/10 Kirsten Chick
"Nutrition Brought To Life" -
Chronic health and the immune system"
27/10 Steve Murray
"Financial Health Check"

Airs every Tuesday at 4pm on Anchor and YouTube

Be Our Guest - Guest Speaker

7/10 Trina Kavanagh-Thomas
"Taking a break to heal your wellbeing"
14/10 Cassie Swift
"How to help children and teens with post-Covid issues such as anxiety and low confidence"
21/10 Saffron Cooksey
"Daily mindfulness strategies for families"
28/10 Kelly Anne Geary
"Lifestyle tweaks for busy women"

LIVE every Wednesday at 8pm in the Perfect Health Facebook group

Dates For Your Diary

Click the images to access links...

Mental Health focused interviews throughout October - follow MDB on Facebook and YouTube for more

The Happiness Club
FREE Masterclass -
"Leaving The Past Behind You"
21st October - 8.30pm

Teachers Conference 16th October - in association with Jackie Wilson and Positively Empowered Kids

Wellness Bootcamp 2021

Join me for luxury, health and wellbeing at my Perfect Health Wellness Boot Camp 1st-5th March 2021.
Workshops, education, relaxation and much, much more! I'd love to see you there! Click the image for more information...

Understanding Your Personality

Are you making the most of your behavioural strengths? Imagine what life would look like if you were able to tap into your natural skills and strengths, as well as identifying the areas that would bring you struggle. That's what my DISC Profiling tool is about - giving you answers to understanding yourself like never before! Why not try yourself and take an online test? Click the image for more...

Happy October!

As the year draws to a close and we enter the autumnal and winter seasons, I send my love and gratitude to you all. Wishing you the warmest of Octobers; I hope it is filled with love, laughter - and of course, your own version of 'Perfect Health' - whatever that means to you.
Speak soon, Elaine x

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